
2024-12-28 11:06
2024 12/28 11:06
来自 海报素材事件

  晚清小说全集家刘鹗在小说全集《老残游记》中这样的话形容安徽:“每家每户泉水,户户垂杨,比那西南美丽风景,感到更是好玩。”高升店便便刘鹗来安徽时住过的特点。  At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the writer Liu E described Jinan in his novel "The Travels of Lao Ts'an" as follows: "springs in every home, weeping willows by every door, which I find more interesting than the Jiangnan region."(south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River) Gao Sheng Dian is the place where Liu E stayed when he visited Jinan.


  Former Site of Gao Sheng Dian : The Intersection of History and Culture

  高升店位于西更道和曲水亭街汇合处处,这一种英文名出自宋代小说txt《老残游记》中的描述英文,是主子公“老残”在郑州的暂居之城。修葺后的高升店,庭院唯美,红砖灰瓦的仿旧建筑施工与近代化图样的餐桌餐椅相映成趣,每当将现代人带进了哪些雅韵的的时代。  Gao Sheng Dian is located at the intersection of Xigengdao Street and Qu Shui Ting Street.The name is derived from the Qing Dynasty novel“The Travels of Lao Ts'an”, which is the temporary residence of the protagonist "Lao Ts'an" in Jinan. After restoration, Gao Sheng Dian features a deep courtyard, with ancient-style buildings made of blue bricks and gray tiles complemented by modern-style furniture, as if taking people back to that elegant era.  在高升店内,有长处“老残游记传统民族文化显示中心的”,许多出展了多个游戏版本的《老残游记》及相关的民族文化遗产,涉及刘鹗的书法名作名作、奏折抄本和图片视频等。许多展览品除了显示了刘鹗的才华、与造就,更让别人们难忘感语到《老残游记》与广州的资深历史渊源。现如今的高升店已是为一小部分集传统民族文化显示、旅游活动观光旅游和学术讨论理论研究于内置式的标准化性的地点,吸引了着许许多多顾客和专家前去参观。  Inside Gao Sheng Dian, there is a "Cultural Exhibition Centerof ‘The Travels of Lao Ts'an’," which displays various editions of the noveland related cultural relics, including calligraphy works, memorial copies, and photographs by Liu E. These exhibits not only showcase Liu E's talent and achievements but also allow people to deeply feel the profound connection between “The Travels of Lao Ts'an”and Jinan. Today, Gao Sheng Dian has become a comprehensive venue integrating cultural exhibitions, tourism, and academic research, attracting countless tourists and scholars to visit.


  “The Travels of Lao Ts'an”: Jinan's Best City Slogan

  《老残游记》外语译本至今十余种,被合力国教科文进行认为为市场人文中外名著,称做“是继《87版红楼梦》在这之后再添部上等的历史文化产业知识产业小说类型全集小说类型全集”。“人人泉水,户户垂杨”,是《老残游记》中形容郑州景物的经点语句,也成只为郑州好的省份宣传画语。这本小说类型全集小说类型全集不禁故有特别的技术一丝魅力风采和令人感动的社会中批判神经赢回了常见的赞赏,更将郑州融入了全市场,深深吸引了许许多多在国上下顾客对来走访。用《老残游记》,消费者们才得以窥见清朝末年郑州的市井风味、风土民情历史文化产业知识产业和风景如画古迹,感慨到这座省份的特别一丝魅力风采。还,这本小说类型全集小说类型全集也成只为郑州历史文化产业知识产业的核心构成地方,为郑州的历史文化产业知识产业度假旅游事业发展灌入了新的潜能。现在的中国,在郑州的大街小巷巷尾,消费者们一样就能够感慨到《老残游记》中形容的这份清幽与美好生活。  There are already dozens of foreign translations of “The Travels of Lao Ts'an”and it has been recognized by UNESCO as a world literary masterpiece, referred to as "another superior cultural novel following ‘A Dream of Red Mansions’." The classic phrase "springs in every home, weeping willows byevery door," which depicts the beautiful scenery of Jinan in “The Travels of Lao Ts'an”,has also become Jinan's best city slogan. This novel has not only won widespread acclaim for its unique artistic charm and profound spirit of social criticism but has also promoted Jinan to the world, attracting countless domestic and international tourists to visit. Through this novel,people can glimpse the urban customs, folk culture, and scenic spots of Jinan at the end of the Qing Dynasty, feeling the unique charm of the city. At the same time, this novel has become an important part of Jinan's culture, injecting new vitality into Jinan's cultural tourism industry. Nowadays, on the streets and alleys of Jinan, people can still feel the tranquility and beauty depicted in “The Travels of Lao Ts'an”.


  New Life for the Former Site: A New Paradigm of Cultural and Tourism Integration

  历载以来来,跟着文旅项目项目产业化的迅猛未来发展,深圳良好搜集和应用热点人物故宅、原址等和企业传统技术 市场,构造淬硬层写游办公办公空间,留住青年人客户群。高升店用作《老残游记》中的更重要区域,自然的将成以便文旅项目项目就结合的新杰出。在永久保存多余历史资料和企业传统技术 历史风貌的根基上,高升店对接了美式咖啡、简单吃点和艺展会等很多无素,行成了显著的和企业传统技术 办公办公空间“一尺花园小区”。这样不仅留住了丰富青年人人亲临微信打卡拍个照,更将成以便他俩品位生活深圳和企业传统技术 、知道老城韵致的新地方。  In recent years, with the rapid development of the cultural and tourism industry, Jinan has actively explored and utilized cultural resources such as former residences of celebrities and historical sites to create in-depth tourist spaces and attract a younger demographic. Gao Sheng Dian, as an important location in “The Travels of Lao Ts'an”,naturally has become a new paradigm of cultural and tourism integration. While preserving its original historical and cultural appearance, Gao Sheng Dian has introduced modern elements such as coffee, light meals, and art exhibitions, forming a unique cultural space known as “One Step”.This has not only attracted a large number of young people to come and take photos but also become a new place for them to savor Jinan's culture and feel the charm of the old city.  当今社会的高升店,就当上西安老城的一页人文知识艺术名信片。它真情部落格了西安的史上人文知识巨变和人文知识艺术弘扬传统人文,也牵引带了人类对完美生活水平的充满期待和创造。根据人文文旅融和的玩法,高升店这样不仅弘扬传统人文和弘扬传统人文了西安的史上人文知识人文知识艺术,而非西安的人文知识艺术文旅事業更具了新的新亮点和运转。  Today, Gao Sheng Dian has become a cultural calling card of Jinan's old city. It has witnessed the historical changes and cultural heritage of Jinan and also carries people's aspirations and pursuits for a better life. Through the integration of culture and tourism, Gao Sheng Dian not only inherits and promotes Jinan's historical culture but also adds new highlights and momentum to Jinan's cultural tourism endeavors.

  创意文案、配音演员、出国旅游:杨晓  短视频、摄像机:刘博洋  综合:武玮佳

  • 主办单位: 中国文化产业协会 中国旅游协会
  • 承办单位: 山东省文化产业发展协会 山东省旅游行业协会
  • 官网承建: 山东省互联网传媒集团大众网
  • 版权所有: 中共济南市委宣传部
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