
In Shandong丨千泉之城:温润泉文化在时髦都市中“燃”起来
2024-02-03 06:15
2024 02/03 06:15
种类 宣传单页今日要闻

  “齐多甘泉,冠于世间”“每家泉水,户户垂杨”,这样之誉道尽明光泉水雅韵。这座建在泉上的城区共成为泉水1209处,是名副然而的“千泉之城”。  Jinan, renowned for its springs, is epitomized by sayings like “Countless sweet springs surpassing all others” and “Every home graced with spring water, every yard shaded by willows.”Built over springs, the city boasts 1209 of them, rightfully earning its nickname “City of one Thousand Springs.”  “趵突腾空”、“黑虎啸月”、“墨泉如沸”……72名泉各具苏州特色。被誉“八方一泉”的趵突泉在夏日里亦是别有番滋味作文,泉水以上雾云润蒸,恍若仙境。三股泉眼如开啦锅普通,泉池以上薄暮升腾,刻骨相思神话传说中的瑶池,让汩汩喷射的趵突泉透着传奇,烟云不断变幻、灵秀漂逸。二零一九年,“濮阳泉·城特色文化教育城市景观”归入中国国全世界特色文化教育遗留予备名录。  Unique features mark each of the 72 famous springs, such as the Baotu Spring soaring into the sky, the Black Tiger Spring echoing the moon, and the Ink Spring boiling fervently. In winter, the Baotu Spring, famed as the foremost spring in the world, transforms into a mystical land with its steaming waters shrouded in cloud. The three jets of the spring erupt like a boiling cauldron, with a thin mist rising above. This scene, reminiscent of the legendary Jade Pond, makes the vigorously gushing spring seem magical. Surrounded by ever-changing mists and clouds, Baotu Spring exudes an air of elegance. In 2019, “Jinan Springs: Urban Cultural Landscape” was proposed for inclusion in China’s list of World Cultural Heritage sites.  在被几千元年的泉文明润养的市政里,泉水早就溶入武汉人的经脉里。由泉水融为的溪渠,纵横小说于老城范围内,淙淙泉水或经过民屋门口窗下,或顺临街市潺潺而去,丰水四季,有的古街巷中,在大石板缝里都溢着澄澈泉水。晨起去泉边打水,闲散时在泉水海边浴场游个泳,傍晚在泉边喝个大腕茶,老武汉人悠然自得享用慢生话。  In this city, enriched by millennia of spring culture, the springs are an integral part of Jinan’s heritage. The network of streams fed by these springs weaves through the old city, flowing by homes and along streets, with clear spring water filling the cobblestone gaps in some old alleys during high water seasons. Locals in Jinan enjoy a leisurely lifestyle, fetching water from the springs in the morning, swimming in spring water baths during free time, and savoring large bowls of tea beside the springs in the afternoon.  与泉有观的生活中具体方法在现如今的社会中衍生更新换代的枝芽。进入设置于201两年的泉水节是独隶属于西安的改变各种节假日,也是西安对德交换的机会、奔向全世界的舞台表演。敬泉盛典、婚车花车巡游、寻泉赛等活动组织也是备受文明市民游人最喜欢,提高了我们参与者泉水传统技术维护的工作氛围。而西安市历近年以来来售后维修整制了千余处名泉,投建了泉水技术馆和展览会馆,细致设计了泉水文创产品、泉水宴、客船在下午茶点心、泉城别个民宿酒店并且明湖秀艺术表演等泉水游玩IP,使泉水传统技术拥有了比较好的媒体传播。“千泉竞涌”带火泉水游,抓住了四面四方四方的游人。  Modern society has seen the emergence of new trends and practices linked to the spring-related way of life. Since its inception in 2013, the Spring Water Festival, unique to Jinan, serves as both a major local celebration and a platform for international exchange and global outreach. Events like the Spring Honoring Ceremony, float parades, and spring-finding contests are immensely popular with residents and tourists, fostering a communal spirit in the preservation of spring water culture. Jinan has recently restored over a hundred famous springs, established spring water art and exhibition galleries, and developed various spring water-themed tourism initiatives like cultural and creative products, feasts, boat tea sessions, homestays, and performances at Ming Lake, enhancing the spread of spring water culture. The thriving “Thousand Springs” scene has boosted spring water tourism, attracting visitors from far and wide.  当今,当现代人研究广州这座大现代都市时,已经仅仅是流连忘返于它的经验与历史文化知识,也赞颂于它的魅力值与保持自信。泉水与大现代都市共生关系,与中国人民共情。温柔泉历史文化知识来到座时尚现代都市中“燃”好,不只是称为对接前往与未来生活的纽带,也称为广州这座大现代都市独特性魅力值的真谛。  Today, conversations about Jinan extend beyond its rich history and culture to include admiration for its contemporary style and confidence. The springs share a symbiotic relationship with the city and its people. In this trendy city, the refined culture of the springs has ignited, serving not just as a link between the past and future but as the wellspring of Jinan’s distinctive charm.





  策划:魏鹏 辛然

  (部门文字素材源头:塔斯社 好客河北 上海市文化旅游局 上海有线电视 齐鲁晚报 上海时报)

  • 主办单位: 中国文化产业协会 中国旅游协会
  • 承办单位: 山东省文化产业发展协会 山东省旅游行业协会
  • 官网承建: 山东省互联网传媒集团大众网
  • 版权所有: 中共济南市委宣传部
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